At the beginning of the summer break I decided to limit my new stash purchases until I had finished some of the UFOs in my craft basket. I had several projects that have been hanging around for some time. I have a bad habit of thinking I have to do things even if I don't like them anymore. So, my original list including 17 projects. Sharon was visiting me last week and we were looking at all of my projects and she asked me if I really liked all of them. When I admitted that I didn't like a couple of them she convinced me that I didn't have to stitch them. What a relief!
So, I did finish several projects this past month. I am most happy about finishing SP A Weary World Rejoices. It was a slow start, but once I got accustomed to the smaller thread count of the fabric, I was able to finish it. I actually finished the date this morning.
I also completed the three Summer Bungalows from CCN. These are really cute and were very easy to stitch. I have big plans for finishing these.
LHN Winter Wonderland had been forgotten in my stitching basket for quite a while. I pulled it out and was able to finish this one in about a week. I love it. I think the fabric is perfect.
I also finished this JBW Christmas tree. I only had the border to complete, but had run out of floss and couldn't remember what I had used. Marie sent me a skein of Victorian Sampler thread that was a perfect match. Thanks, Marie. This will be finished as an ornament for my tree.
The boys go back to school at the end of the week. Next week is a free week for me. Classes do not resume until the 17th at USM, so I have a bit of free time to enjoy. Of course, I need to prep for the fall semester (I am teaching a new course and using a different textbook in my other classes this semester). But I planned to enjoy my time off.
I have several projects kitted up and ready to go. Hopefully, this month will be another productive stitching month for me.
5 hours ago
Lots of great accomplishments and in only one month. I agree with Sharon if you don't like them just salvage what you can in materials and toss the rest. It is so liberating to be left with only the WIPs you really want to finish one day. Happy Stitching, CJ ok;-)
Wow. If only I could be so motivated. I'll try to be inspired by your productiveness.I like the idea of getting rid of things I've had so long I don't like them anymore. I think I'll get started on that project. Great finishes. Love the Christmas tree ornie.
My GOODNESS...your Zinging through your projects! I was all gung-ho about When a weary world rejoices until I opened the pattern and found the long "note" the designer had put in all of them....and I just can't stitch it..plain and simple, I don't believe her political views/propaganda should be forced down my throat because I purchased her pattern. So....I never stitched it, but it does appeal to me on a certain level, the looks of it...anyway :)
I like the idea of not stitching things I don't like anymore. Only have a couple that might apply to, but perhaps I'll be liberated some day. :) Your Weary World looks wonderful!
Congrats on all your finishes
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