Happy New Year!! We had a wonderful day today. We spent most of the day at my parents' home eating and visiting with family. The kids were pretty good, so the day was mostly enjoyable.
One of the things I love to read on others blogs is the list of goals, so I have my goals for 2008.
1. Finish the projects in my rotation.
a. Mirabilia Midsummer Night's Fairy (progress picture above)
b. Achoo!
c. Heart's Content Colonial Welcome (progress picture above)
2. Complete the entire Erica Michael Alphabet Series and finish the sampler book. I have stitched A, B, C, and D already. I have the instructions for finishing the sampler book, now I just need to get stitching.
3. Complete TW "The Guardian" twice. I found these kits at Hobby Lobby this past year and promised them to my boys.
4. Finish the eagle in flight piece I started for my older brother.
5. Finish at least three of the Wee Beasties kits I purchased this year.
I don't think I can hold to the 10 Project challenge, but I do not plan on spending as much money on new projects this year. I have over 60 pieces of beautiful fabric, a complete set of DMC and plenty of other fibers. I also have over 20 kits and loads of patterns. I should be able to stitch from my stash almost exclusively. Almost is the the important word there. I am going to limit myself more this year.
Also, just a reminder that I am looking for two more people to participate in the PIF exchange. Becky K, Sharon C, and Hannah have already signed up. If you are interested in joining, the information is in the December 31st post.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and productive 2008.
4 hours ago
Oh to be so organized as to put down goals for the year. As I read many bloggers goals, I feel guilty. I think I may just try. Thanks for posting yours.
Wow to do the Guardian TWICE?! YIKES...good luck with that one!
I think, Jen, you convinced me to sign up for your PIF....I'm not doing as many exchanges this year and it is a way to give back...I think I will have problems finding 5 people to take me up on it tho' and if so I'll just randomly choose 5 people to stitch for this year...how's that? You've got my e-mail yes? If not it's on my blog under my profile :)
Happy New Year!
Best of luck with your 2008 goals! That's a big task stitchign the same TW twice! I look forward to watching your progress!
Hi! That is quite a rotation you have, your sons are very lucky to have you stitch such nice projects!
I would love to sign up for your PIF but I have already signed up for another. I still need a couple more for my PIF as well.
The PIF is a lovely idea! I'd love to participate in such a thing but I'm new to the virtual stitching world (but not new to blogging or stitching separately) and don't really know anyone to take me up on a PIF exchange myself. Perhaps next year after I've done a few exchanges. Happy New year! Good luck with your goals...very adventurous of you. Looking forward to seeing how you progress.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. With the new years dive, they are really proud they joined and did it, it made me feel guilty that i had my work as an excuse not to join. Oh well may be next time..!
Happy new year and goodluck with your stitching goals
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