I finally feel like I have had some time to stitch. This summer is passing so quickly and I have so much going on with work that I don't feel like I have enough stitching time. I spent Saturday afternoon at Lisha's house stitching and that got me motivated. I stitched on Tigerlily some on Sunday as well as yesterday, so I have made quite a bit of progress. Just a little bit more on her head and then her wings and this one is finished.
Also, Saturday morning I got out JDD Pomegranate and Pears. This one is so pretty. I love the colors. This one will take a bit longer to finish since the remaining portion requires a little more concentration on my part to stitch one over one. I think I will finish this as a box.
I have also worked on Blackbird Designs Union Forever. This one is actually very easy, but I only stitch on it every now and then. I just love the colors though. Can't wait to finish it.
And finally, a finish. I completed the stitching on J is for Juggler (Victorian Sampler) this past weekend. I still need to finish the hemstitching, but I need to get the bell pulls first. This was another fun one to stitch. I bought the thread pack so I wouldn't invest so much into all of the silks, etc. Even though it cost me $30 it was a savings, since I do not have any of the threads called for in the pattern. Even with me stitching the entire pattern, I still have enough thread left to almost complete it again. I only used up one of the threads. If anyone is interested in stitching this, let me know and we can work out a trade for the pattern and threads. Just e-mail me at jlregan at bellsouth dot com.
4 hours ago
Well my goodness. We've been a busy little bee. I have a lot of catching up to do on Tigerlily. I will not stop until she is finished. Looks great!
Your projects are looking awesome. Love tigerlily!
Your Wips are coming along great.
Tigerlily is looking more then awesome.
Wow! Lots of great stitchy stuff! Your tigerlily is fantastic, the colours are beautiful. Ahhh pommegranates and pears, I took this as a class last October... haven't touched it snice, other project just keep yelling louder!
Congrast on your finish!
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