I know, I know. It has been way too long since my last post. I promise, I have been busy. But, to the important information. I have been stitching quite a bit lately. I finished a biscornu for Hooked on Exchanges and the Blackberry biscornu from Sweetheart Tree. I think they are both very pretty, but I absolutely love the Blackberry biscornu. It is my favorite so far. I am now working on a frog biscornu and will post pictures as soon as it is completed.
I also finished the Dragonfly kit from Country Cottage Designs. I love it, but not sure I really like the fabric I selected. I will most likely finish this as a pinkeep.
Last week, I completed a box with the SamSarah "B" pattern. It was really cute, but I gave it to my younger sister, Bridget, before taking a picture. I will try to remember to get a picture to show everyone.
Have you seen the new Pineapple Stitches from Jeanette Douglas Designs. I absolutely have to get that one. I love it. I will add this to my wishlist since I am trying to cut back on spending right now.
Wasn't this week beautiful? We are on Spring Break and boy have I enjoyed the week. It has been very cool and breezy here in South Mississippi. (We haven't turned on the A/C in the past three weeks!!) Hobbie was also off this week, so we have made some progress in our yard. He removed an old fence the other day. The boys and I made two raised beds for vegetables. So far, I have planted green onions, chives, shallots, bell peppers, carrots, beets, radishes and cantaloupe. After I pick the last two heads of cabbage in the larger garden area, Hobbie is going to get that area ready for planting also. I plan to have cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, eggplants, and okra. My parents have much larger gardens and are planting beans, peas, corn, and lots of other veggies to share with us.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope everyone enjoys this wonderful spring day.
4 hours ago
The blackberry biscornu is beautiful, I also have a passion for making these.
Those are all very lovely!!!
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