These past few weeks have been crazy. First, though, I have a lot of finished projects to share. Theresa from Shakespeare's Peddler was on her way to market and I wanted to finish some of my stash so I would feel guilty buying some of the new wonderful things she would bring home. So, I went through my basket and pulled out all of the small Halloween and fall projects and started stitching. I even had a stitching day for the girls so we could all sit around and gossip and stitch all day. So, here are some of those projects...
This is a Trail Creek pattern that has been sitting around for awhile. I didn't buy the buttons, so I just went through my scrapbooking stash to find something appropriate. (Aren't you impress, Lisha?)
I got this pattern at a stitching retreat a year or two ago. It was very easy to stitch and quite cute. I think I will finish this as a no-sew cube.
Don't you just love biscornus? I found this pattern online and don't know why it has taken me so long to do this. I just think the spiders are perfect for the little witches. Cute, cute, cute.
And this is another Barbara-Anna biscornu. I think I purchased this pattern last year. I changed some of the threads because I don't have access to Anchor here in Hattiesburg. But it is still very cute.
And finally, Trilogy's Halloween Line-up. I bought this one quite a while ago and kept putting it at the back of the stack. It was a very fun stitch. I love the spiders on this one too.
I have restocked my stash a bit. I now have Shakespeare's Peddler Jenny Bean Halloween Sampler (love this one), including the fabric and limited edition threads. I just might start this on later this week. I also picked up Lizzie Kate ABC Christmas, Blackbird Designs Midnight Watch, and The Primitive Needle Witches Hallow. All three of these are very pretty. I don't know if I will stitch them this year or wait until later. We will just have to wait and see.
On a different note, this has been a very dramatic month. It seems like every week something was happening. Fortunately, mostly good things. Patrick's band performed at their first contests last weekend and made all superior at both. I also attended my 20 yr. HS reunion. It was nice to see everyone.
The boys are very excited about their Fall Break. They will be out of school Friday and next Monday and Tuesday. Fortunately, I don't have to be at work Thursday or Friday, so I have a bit of break myself. I need to catch up with some research and textbook writing though.
Have a great week...
4 hours ago
Look at all the lovlies you have all stitched up! I absolutely LOVE that Trilogy witch, and Barbara Ana's designs as biscornu's are just cute as buttons.
I sure do hope that things even out for you and aren't as stressful..those sort of days,weeks STINK! YAY for your kids are clicking off the days until their Fall Break (so is MAMA) :)
Hope you have a good weekend!
I love all your pieces that you stitched especially biscornu's and the Halloween line-up!
Wow you have been busy stitching I love all the patterns especially the Biscornu's.
I am impressed. Might as well use them for stitching since we don't ever scrapbook anymore. They are all too cute. I really will get motivated again if I can stop driving my car long enough:)
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